Cleaning Your Mirrors the Easy Way

Battling the streaks, smears, and smudges that mar mirrors daily can be tiresome. Whether it’s the bathroom mirrors smeared from soap droplets or fingerprint smudges on the hallway mirror, keeping your home mirrors clean and streak-free shouldn’t be a hassle. Our cleaning professionals at United Window Cleaning know the best methods for keeping your glass… Read more »

How to Handle Your Sprinkler’s Hard Water Stains

Hard water stains on your home’s windows not only are unsightly, but can cause damage to the glass. The good news is that hard water stains can be avoided and if they’re already a problem, a professional window cleaning service like United Window Cleaning in Cincinnati, OH can help remove stubborn, unattractive stains to help… Read more »

Spring Cleaning For Your Windows!

As the final days of winter fade away, the chore list for spring is blooming with must-do tasks both inside and outside the home. One of the most important things to schedule is window cleaning. Window cleaning should be a spring priority as it’s essential home maintenance needed for multiple reasons. Benefits of Spring Cleaning… Read more »

Decorating Your Storefront for the Holidays

Retail giants delight all ages each year with magnificent holiday window displays. Decorating storefront windows to entertain and entice shoppers has been a tradition for more than a hundred years. From elegantly simple designs featuring garlands and lights to elaborate animated displays that bring Santa’s workshop to life, a decorated storefront window makes a business… Read more »

Should You Remove Your Window Screens This Fall?

Window screens offer multiple benefits for your home, primarily allowing in fresh air while keeping bugs and natural debris out. However, there are benefits to removing the window screens each fall as the breezes begin to chill and winter looms in the near distance. Should you remove your window screens in the fall? Consider five… Read more »

Safeguard Your Windows for Birds

The Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology reports that ornithologists have estimated about 100 million birds are killed every year by colliding with a window. Other birds hit windows when flying and fall to the ground stunned, but are able to recover and fly away, while others suffer internal injuries upon impact that leads to death later…. Read more »

How Often Should I Clean My Windows?

Whether your home has 14 windows or 44, the chore of cleaning each can seem daunting. The problem with dirty windows is that unless you decide to keep the blinds or curtains closed 24/7, you’re going to have to actually look at those dusty, smudged-up panes of glass. For many households, window cleaning typically falls… Read more »

What is Causing My Foggy Windows?

Have you noticed a cloudy or foggy haze on your window that no amount of inside or outside cleaning will remove? The problem is moisture between double or triple glass panes, typically due to a broken window seal. A number of factors can cause window seal failure, including improper installation, degradation from dirt and debris,… Read more »