It’s an important time to pay attention to your gutters because of the abundance of leaves and rain that come with the fall season! It can often lead to serious and expensive home maintenance issues. With winter right around the corner, be sure to get your home ‘winter ready’ by checking your windows and gutters for cracks, clearing your gutters and downspouts and ensuring that your shingles are safely secured to your home.

When checking your windows and gutters for cracks, you’re not just protecting your home from the cold, but you’re also ensuring that any unwanted pests don’t slip into your home. Leaves, nests, and other debris that accumulates in your gutters create an attractive home for troublesome insects & rodents. As the debris collects and impairs proper drainage, warm water pockets develop, which invite insects to make nests and eggs. When temperatures begin to rise in the spring, unwelcomed guests will descend, making your backyard activities much less fun.
Do you know why it’s necessary to clear your downspouts and gutters of leaves and clutter? Clearing that up can help you avoid flooding that can cause problems for your home and its foundation. As gutters become clogged, roof water overflows and collects around the foundation. Cracks develop and eventually result in leaks in your basement. Clogged gutters can also cause damage to the gutter itself, as well as moisture problems with roof sheathing and wood framing.
When it comes to loose shingles on your roof , not only can it cause building leaks and damage, but it can also allow for cold air to seep into your home, causing an unwanted increase in your electricity bill. If you’re noticing loose shingles or shingles on your lawn, there may be a problem that needs to be addressed ASAP!
Of course, if you ever need additional assistance, please give your friendly United Window Cleaning representative a call. We’re here to help! 517-721-5987